“But you’re sick…”: Chantal Lauby criticized following a decision made for her daughter Jennifer Ayache

Among the mother-daughter duos known in France, Chantal Lauby and her daughter Jennifer Ayache are perhaps one of the most fusional! If the ex-member of Dummies has always remained outside the singing career of her daughter, leader of the Superbus group for fifteen years, she has never stopped supporting her: “We are at the limit of fusion, her and me. I raised her alone. We are both artists. When one falls, the other shoulder“, she explained in 2016 to the magazine chat.

But above all, she knows that this passion for music has devoured Jennifer since she was very young and had even pushed this mother hen to make a very criticized choice when her daughter was a teenager. “My daughter left at the age of 14 and a half for the United States to learn music. All the parents of students told me ‘But you’re sick of letting her go!’ I knew I was going to worry but I was not going to prevent him from living something“, she said a few years ago in an interview.

A paying choice, since it was in Texas, where she lived as a teenager, that the young girl discovered several styles of music which then influenced her in her career choices. Many years later, the singer, who is now 38, told how this language year ended.

I was 14 and spending a year in San Antonio, Texas. The police arrested and handcuffed me. Back in my host family, I was banned from going out for three days! I felt very alone. I understood that I was still too young to live abroad and I returned to France”, she concluded. An experience that she does not regret at all, however, as she was able to gain maturity from it.

Indeed, if Chantal Lauby has always had so much confidence in her daughter, it is mainly because she has never doubted the seriousness of the rocker. “I was more provocative than my mother but I always kept her classic side, especially for my daughter’s education. Jen may be a sucker’s daughter, but I’ve always been very vigilant. She may rock, she also has my rigid side. She’s hardworking, she knows where she’s going“, she assured Entertainment TV A few years ago.

A beautiful statement for a beautiful mother-daughter bond, very different from that which can be found in the trilogy What have we done to God?whose third part is currently in the cinema and which this time narrates the adventures of the 40 years of marriage of the Verneuil couple, always accompanied by their 4 daughters and 4 sons-in-law.

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