“But why such a bad idea…”, the astonishing and confusing letter from Evelyne Dhéliat after the death of Jean-Pierre Pernaut

On March 2, Jean-Pierre Pernaut breathed his last. After months of battling lung cancer, the disease finally claimed the journalist at the age of 71. A drama that continues to make the personalities of the media world suffer. Among them, Evelyne Dhéliat. To overcome his pain, the weather presenter had already spoken on the day of the funeral of his former sidekick. ” I expressed myself, I said [des choses] on our friendship for more than forty years, so there it is, it’s a part of life and it’s a lot of sincere friendship, at work and then also outside of work, with friends, buddies “.

But far from having made his mourning, the colleague of Jean-Pierre Pernaut wanted to pay a last tribute to his partner. To do this, Evelyne Dhéliat grabbed a paper and a pen to write a moving farewell letter in the columns of the magazine. 7 Days TV.But why such a bad idea, you who only had good ones? Why did you leave ? she wonders. And to add: “It is up to us, this time, your colleagues, your friends, your relatives, to give a big rant! »

How I wish I could rewind the movie of life to keep you from going to smoke that goddamn cig, taking advantage of the moment when I was dictating my text for the weather “, adds Evelyne Dhéliat. ” Let’s forget the regrets to rethink only the good times. The morning ‘snacks’ in your office, brought, along with regional products, by the correspondents who loved you so much; lunches after 1 p.m. at the TF1 self-catering… You shared these moments of relaxation with your team, and sometimes laughter […] And your laugh, precisely, hoarse and joyful, which we heard from the end of the corridor […] You marked the history of French television forever. We miss you and your imprint is forever etched in our hearts. “. Heartbreaking farewells…

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