but why his companion refuses to become animator again? The explanations !

If Mélissa Theuriau is no longer one of these essential faces of the French audiovisual landscape, the wife of Jamel Debbouze has not completely disappeared from the radar for all that! A journalist by training, the mother also takes advantage of her notoriety to alert her fellow citizens to causes that are close to her heart! At the head of her own production house, the former host of M6 especially multiplies the documentaries committed to the image of the one that the televiewers of France 2 were able to discover last Monday, November 15. And for good reason, in “My first steps as an educator”, the 43-year-old woman wanted to highlight the difficult work of educators who are not always paid up to their demanding work.

A passage behind the camera which seems to be obvious for Mélissa Theuriau who does not necessarily intend to come back in the spotlight! “ I will not go back. More than ten years ago, I wanted to highlight subjects that I found important to defend, to shed light on. I wanted to open this window of freedom. I do not get enough “, entrusted the journalist to our colleagues from Tele-Leisure. And to add the reasons why she was animated by her job as a documentary producer: “We are leading a fight for the protection of children with films such as Itinerary of a placed child, Incas (s) ables, Mouth sewn or Repairing the living, but not only. We mainly choose to approach subjects from a specific angle that we then offer to the channels. I care about our small artisanal production. Our films without commentaries often have a gestation period of more than a year, an essential time if we want quality and show a complex reality. Short topics and news don’t allow it ”, concluded the mother of Léon and Lila who seems more fulfilled than ever in her professional career!

Lisa Ziane

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