but why had the group ended up exploding?

They’ve been teasing their band’s return for years… and it’s finally going to take place in 2021! Almost a decade after their separation, the members of the Sexion d’Assaut are preparing to reform, to the delight of their fans. Formed in 2002, the group enjoyed real success in 2009 with the arrival of their mixtape “The Head Crush” then in 2010 with the release of their first studio album entitled “L’École des points vitaux” in March of this year. that year.

In 2013, fans are still delighted with the release of their album called “L’Apogée” … but the group which includes Maître Gims, Lefa, Black M and Maska announces its separation shortly after. On paper, the group is never really separated, each member has simply devoted himself to his solo career… before a re-formation which will have taken more than ten years to arrive.

And it is precisely the powerful solo careers of certain members that would have slowed down the group’s reunion. We think in particular of Maître Gims and Black M who has been a hit solo since 2013 and who, focused on their respective careers, have logically found less time to meet with their former acolytes. Several other difficulties such as label concerns were also mentioned to justify the delay in their comeback.

If the group’s return has been announced several times, it has continued to be postponed until 2021! If a concert has been announced for this year, we learn today that an album should be released in May 2022!

Eleanor de la Fontaine

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