But what happened to singer Angèle and rapper Damso at the Victoires de la Musique?

This Friday, February 11, 2022 took place the 37th edition of the Victoires de la Musique. A unique opportunity to bring together all the artists of the most fashionable French-speaking scene of the moment. Among them ? Angela. From the first minutes of the ceremony, the sister of Roméo Elvis ignited the public present in the premises of La Seine musicale. Far from being satisfied with a banal performance, the interpreter of the title “Bruxelles Je t’aime” had planned a magnificent surprise for his fans. As she began the song “Démons”, Damso joined her on stage. Unfortunately, the iconic duo did not win over viewers.

On social networks, many of them criticized the performance of the two artists. “The microphones are catastrophic”, dropped a user. A poor excuse for another who immediately mentioned the lack of talent of Damso and Angèle. “Are you sure the mics are really the problem?” ». Another, meanwhile, joined the point of view of the previous twittos. “You can have the best quality in the world, it’s useless if behind they can’t sing”.

But that’s not all. Comments of the genre have multiplied, even going so far as to point the finger at the rapper. “Damso spoils the sound”said a Twitter user. “He has a cold Damso”, added another. But while some believe that the Belgian-Congolese interpreter was the problem, others have instead questioned Angèle’s performance. “Angèle isn’t she live?! I speak vocally I have the impression that it’s not phew”, “slammed on the ground, without autotune 99% of these so-called singers no longer exist” or “The performance is too bad”.

Fortunately, the pretty blonde could count on her admirers to come to her defense. “Don’t forget that Angèle also had covid and that there can always be effects afterwards, which may also mean that her voice is not the same. And we can also see that the sound quality is not the same. »

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