At the beginning of the 2000s, Nathalie Vincent put on a series of projects on television. She once presented the M6 Kids before presenting E = M6, Dance Machine or even Funny Videos on Direct 8. But subsequently, the presenter simply disappeared from the radar. Bad experiences? Nay! In the columns of Tele-Leisure, Nathalie Vincent has lifted the veil on her daily life, far from rhinestones and sequins.
In the city, she is the happy mother of a young Sacha. The star does not regret hosting countless shows that have been for her “A wonderful gift of life”. But the page is well and truly turned. “I have been very happy during all these TV years. I was very lucky to present all these shows for almost twenty years non-stop, between 1996 and 2012. But then fate made me change my path ”, she explained to our colleagues.
In the process, Nathalie Vincent found “Young love” installed in the “the south of France”. In 2010, she gave birth to her son and left the Paris region for good. If the young woman continues her job as a facilitator for a while, she admits that the management of her daily life was not easy. Faced with this observation, the actress decides to stop television to focus mainly on her private life. “I wanted to focus on my family life and, professionally, I wanted other things, with more authenticity ”, analyzed the artist.
Holder of a master’s degree in neuro-linguistic programming coaching, Nathalie Vincent is now at the head of her company and trains other large groups for individual coaching or the presentation of events. At the same time, the actress also wishes to train in “kinesiology”.
“I lived at 100 miles an hour setting out to explore my dreams. […] Today, I realize myself differently, in particular by being much more connected to nature ”, concluded Nathalie Vincent who does not regret for a single second this new life away from the media.