“But he runs away”, contrary to what was planned, Jean-Luc Melenchon crosses paths with Emmanuel Macron on the set of “France facing war” and tackles him!

In less than a month, the first voting ballot for the presidential elections will take place. In the meantime, the candidates are chaining media appearances and meetings. Thus, eight of them found themselves on the set of TF1 in turn for the program La France à la guerre. Firstly, Marine Le Pen made a notable appearance because of her looks.

followed the arrival of Valérie Pécresse who refused to sit down opposite Anne-Claire Coudray and Gilles Bouleau. Of course, each of them was able to defend themselves against what is currently happening during the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

On his side, Emmanuel Macron spoke about Vladimir Putin and said: “Our role today is to try to stop this war without waging war. By sanctioning Russia, helping Ukraine and its people to survive, and isolating Russia internationally. You have to say things to Vladimir Putin, to break his logic, and explain to him the consequences of what he is doing. Even when you have a conflict of this order, you must discuss humanitarian conditions, and find agreements on humanitarian convoys. This is what sometimes avoids the worst. We must prepare for peace (…) Europe was built by protecting the refugees at the end of the Second World War. Freedom fighters, we protect them. We must welcome them, and take at least 100,000 of them. We must welcome them in good conditions, by training, by welcoming children to school, by giving them a job”.

He then gave way to one of his rivals in these elections aimed at his succession: Jean-Luc Mélenchon. The latter does not hesitate to tickle him on social networks. While they were not supposed to meet, the candidate of La France Soumise had time to see the President of the Republic leave the premises. It is therefore with irony that he let go : “But he runs away”. The tensions are therefore at their peak.

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