businesses and businesses rejoice at the end of the wearing of masks



France 3

Article written by

L.Courté, J.Weyl, C.Pary, France 3 Regions, F.Fontaine – France 3

France Televisions

Two years after the start of the epidemic of Covid-19it is no longer compulsory to wear a mask in the office, in class or to enter a business, from Monday March 14.

The radiant smile, hairdressers of Bordeaux (Gironde) finally rediscover the pleasure of working without a mask on their face. A regular customer does not sulk her pleasure. Same relief in a bookstore in Lille (North)where you can now walk around without your mask. The opportunity for some to become coquettish again: a customer rejoices to be able to put lipstick back on.

In a Parisian company, the end of the mask and the return to face-to-face also makes it possible to rediscover his colleagues, or even to see them for the first time, as for Nicolas Devienne, who arrived in the company six months ago. A few kilometers away, a company organizes its “Low the masks” breakfast. For everyone, the end of these restrictions rhymes with a day of celebration, which would celebrate the friendliness and proximity found.

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