Business leaders rub shoulders with all the public in the “Place Afpa”

The Afpa has evolved for several months towards the concept of “village of solutions”. With in central point of this village “La Place Afpa”. It is a friendly, innovative, coworking and co-learning place to welcome, work and collaborate with many partners from Vaucluse who have in common the themes of inclusion, employment and professional training.

Magaly Perea Gonzalez Digital Advisor in charge of the Coworking and Colearning Space Management of La Place Afpa supports the public in particular for the use of digital resources because there is equipment that interests people who want to follow distance learning and who do not have adequate computer equipment.

The place is equipped with eco-designed furniture it is composed of open offices but can be privatized and meeting spaces (It is a place designed, created and equipped for different uses and it is made available to companies with reservation and subscription formats).

Companies or partner associations hold meetings or hotlines there. Like for example Valérie Guillemot Career and Skills Council or the Watt & Co Company which designs very innovative electrical appliances there.

For more information, contact the Afpa at 56 Avenue Emile Zola, Le Pontet (84130).

Meeting with Magaly Perea Gonzalez

The digital advisor in charge of Coworking and Colearning Space Management at La Place Afpa is interviewed by Fabrice Marion on video.

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