Business Forum | The benefits of continuous assessment

For several years now, human resources professionals have argued that it has become necessary to rethink the way in which employee performance is evaluated.

A recent study by Cegid, a software publisher specializing in HR management, agrees with this: only 5% of human resources managers and executives are satisfied with the performance evaluation process and the results generates.

Additionally, 59% of respondents believe that traditional assessments have “no impact” on their individual performance. Many employees do not perceive the performance appraisal as a real opportunity for personal development.

Faced with such observations, how can we ensure that the evaluation of employees is relevant and constructive for their socio-professional growth? Why establish a report and objectives only once a year, when skills development is an ongoing and collaborative process?

Lack of follow-up

When carried out on an annual basis, evaluations prove to be ineffective in enabling employees to make significant changes in their ways of working and in their performance. The annual interview has the disadvantage of being stressful for the employees and of only offering a photograph that is sometimes not very representative of their know-how and interpersonal skills.

Studies on the subject have shown that a majority of employees would like to benefit from periodic follow-ups of their progress and achievements in a collaborative framework conducive to the regular exchange of comments.

One of the key skills for human resource professionals today is knowing how to use existing technologies and resources that help improve work environments. For example, it may mean changing work and collaboration methods, and perfecting performance measurement instruments and processes.

Harmonious relationship and collaborative platforms

So how do you get there? First, the development of a harmonious and open relationship between managers and employees allows the latter to receive direct and timely feedback, as well as to discuss their strengths and opportunities for development. Then, it is advisable to favor the use of collaborative platforms that allow managers to support the progress and success of their employees’ daily projects. Finally, it is important to reposition the interview as a moment of synthesis focused on employee development.

In view of the new year that is beginning, I invite you to adopt a performance management method that encourages knowledge of the needs and aspirations of employees as well as the optimization of their skills. This change will be an important lever that will allow them to invest fully in their role, to develop their career in a motivating environment and to exert a positive influence on your entire organization.

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