Business Forum | Find out what blocks you: energy, organization or fear?

There is a well-known recipe for correcting the situation when a file is not progressing according to our expectations, namely to “climb to the balcony”, according to the established expression. It is a question of taking stock of our work by putting ourselves in the most neutral possible position of observer or stage manager, hence the idea of ​​being on the balcony.

Posted at 4:00 p.m.

Yvon Charest

Yvon Charest

I came to the conclusion over time that we could group the reasons that block the progress of a file into three main categories: energy, organization and fear.

Energy refers to lack of desire, negative attitude and inertia. It’s really useful to know our deep motivations, because it can explain why we are “neutral” to carry out certain tasks. Our driving force may be to complete a meaningful task, to develop ourselves personally, to beat the competition, to be useful to the organization, to meet a personal standard of excellence, etc.

It is important to ask when and how his engine is running at full throttle.

Raymond Royer, who had tremendous success in two very different industries, aeronautics and paper, had as his driving force that French Canadians could succeed in beating anyone and that it was possible that ordinary people do amazing things.

Negative attitudes such as distrust, insecurity, bitterness and resentment only sap energy. It is important to think about ideas that intensify or prolong this feeling that the glass is half empty and to do a more realistic examination of conscience.

As for inertia, the best attitude is to tell yourself that a task is half done as soon as you start it. Although one is highly motivated, poor organization can easily prevent any progress. This is usually due to poor time management, lack of progress review, or feeling discouraged.

We usually do what we like, what goes fast, what is easy, what we are familiar with and what others ask us to do.

Beyond the good habit of starting your day with the most important activities, it is useful to focus your attention on the following questions: what am I ready to do to make things turn out the way I want them to? What can I learn from a problem? What still needs to be improved? Faced with obstacles, the feeling of incapacity quickly rises to the surface.

The secret of a good organization is hidden in the daily routine because a multitude of small activities carried out regularly and systematically produce unsuspected results more quickly than one thinks.

Every top athlete is an example of organization, because he religiously attends to every aspect of his discipline, pays attention to details and accentuates his strengths.

Although you are well motivated and organized, a third obstacle, fear in all its forms, can lead to knocking yourself out. oneself. Failure is often seen as a personal defeat demonstrating our inability to achieve results and confirming a decrease in “our value”.

My record has two categories: success and learning. It allows me to hide the fear of failure…which is pretty naïve. Sometimes it takes a long time to get over that fear, and you get there by asking yourself a few key questions: considering the worst that can happen, wondering if it would be that bad, and remembering that it’s a mistake. appalling to link his personal image to his accomplishments.

And when the engine of action is at the rendezvous, it gives the courage to act despite the fear of failure.

It would sometimes be enough to get help from others to unblock a file, but the fear of asking for help is an impossible option for some people to consider, as if it was absolutely necessary to succeed without the help of others. . Didn’t Gandhi succeed in gaining independence for India with the help of his people?

The third big fear, after fear of failure and fear of asking for help, is fear of other people’s opinions. It’s hard work to want to be perceived as a perfect person in the eyes of others when it’s so easy to say to yourself: I leave it to others to be perfect and wonderful!

What a great way to say hello stress and hello freedom! And above all, what a great dose of additional energy! On this Monday morning, choose a file for which you are dissatisfied with your progress and take a few minutes to revise it in the light of this grid.

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