burning government files



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Covid-19, Guadeloupe …the government has its work cut out for it and must manage all of these extremely complex issues. Gauthier Vaillant, political journalist at La Cross, is on the set of Franceinfo to evoke the hot files of the executive.

While the situation in Guadeloupe is very tense, Gauthier Vaillant confirms that the government is trying to seize the case with the police reinforcements sent on the spot and the interview scheduled for Monday, November 22 between Prime Minister Jean Castex and local elected officials. The political journalist explains that this file is very important for the executive, because overseas territories, and Pread specifically that of Guadeloupe, has always been a concern for previous governments. Gauthier Vaillant evokes the general strike of 2009 which lasted 40 days in the island. He adds that if the Covid-19 is the trigger for this wave of violence, felt more old ones stand out of these incidents.

This interview scheduled for Monday November 22 between the Prime Minister, Jeans Castex, Olivier Véran, Minister of Solidarity and Health and the Minister of Overseasr, Sébastien Lecornu, with elected officials from Guadeloupe, sounds like a desire to establish dialogue. Indeed, the government had broughttee one first security responsee with the sending of reinforcements to the island, that is to say mmembers of the Raid and the GIGN. In addition, the president of the regional council of Guadeloupe, Ary Chalus, had spoken of “contempt” after the first crisis meeting organized in Paris. A meeting To which the latter had not been invited.

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