Burma: thousands of people flee the junta



Article written by

H. Abdelkhalek, V. Reynaud, Y. Mone – France 2

France Televisions

It has been a year that Aung San suu Kyi was overthrown by the junta in Burma. In protest, residents deserted the streets and cheered from their windows today, Tuesday, February 1. Thousands of people have fled the regime and taken refuge at the Burmese border in Thailand.

Thailand and Burma are separated by a natural border: River Moei. The water source has become the ultimate refuge for those fleeing the Burmese junta. On the Burmese shore, a refugee camp. More than 300,000 inhabitants had to flee their villages because of the repression. In these makeshift shelters, they lack everything. For a year now, the Burmese junta has been bombing or burning villages it considers rebel.

The Burmese forces thus caused the death of more than 1,400 people. International members seem helpless in this situation. In one village, 30 to 40 people are cooking meals for the refugees.What these refugees are going through makes me very sad so I want to support them,” said a woman. Among the refugees are also activists, journalists or members of the opposition who have escaped the massive waves of arrests. The situation in Burma appears to be at an impasse.

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