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To deal with the dangers hovering over the coasts, the removable dykes manufactured in Aquitaine are an effective, albeit short-term, solution against erosion.
A weakened coastline, in full transformation. On the beach of La-Tranche-Sur-Mer (Vendée), the municipality is at war against erosion. Their main weapon: 80 meters of composite dam, intended to dampen the waves that damage the dunes during strong storms. “It allows us to replenish the beach, but I’m not sure that in the long term this is the ideal principle“, explains Serge Kubryk, the LR mayor of the town.
bumpers for waves
A short-term solution developed by a young company from Aquitaine. It designs composite panels, inspired by shipbuilding. “The element is portable and is assembled a bit like a Lego chain“, specifies Romain Chapron, the president of “Wave Bumper”. These bumpers for waves are slightly curved. A principle on paper rather simple, but relatively effective. A system already adopted by several French municipalities and which is even exported in the United States, or in the Spanish Basque country, proof that the inexorable advance of the waters has no borders.