Bulbs to bloom your summer

Now is the time to plant bulbs that will bloom in the summer. Dahlias, lilies, gladioli and Abyssinian gladioli, crocosmias, begonias are essential for flower beds and planters.

In cool regions, all plant ideally after Ice Saints (May 11, 12, and 13) in cool regions. If you live in a region with a mild climate, you can install them a little earlier.

You will find these bulbs easily in garden centers, but I advise you to rummage on the Internet to find plants or varieties that are a little less common but really great.

Also take an interest in scented flower bulbs, advises Christian Ledeux, editor-in-chief of the monthly The Friend of the Gardens :

“Lilies are among the most fragrant summer bulbs. Beware, if you are making bouquets for your home, the scent of some hybrid Asiatic lilies is extremely strong, even overpowering.”

I really like the Abyssinian gladiolus (Gladiolus murielae), very fine, which does not have the hieratic side of its cousin, the classic gladiolus. Do not forget the tuberose either. (Polianthes tuberosa) which enters into the composition of perfumes of very large brands. It is grown in the ground (to be mulched in winter) in the south, and in pots everywhere else.”

“Who has put his nose one day in a tuberose flower is always puzzled…”

Christian Ledeux

at franceinfo

Do not hesitate to invest in a few bulbs whose foliage will give an exotic touch to your garden. The leaves of the colocasia look like ears and always have an effect.

And we are witnessing the great comeback of the cannas!
“It’s a plant that had its heyday in the 1950s and 1960s before falling a little into disuse. But the new varieties have brought it up to date. The leaves are now red, green, variegated, streaked. Their opulence is remarkable in city beds but also in our gardens. They can reach 2 m and bloom from summer until frost.”

“The cannas ensure the show at the end of summer and they only cost a few euros!”

Christian Ledeux

at franceinfo

The vast majority of these bulbs that flower in summer are planted in good garden soil. Don’t forget to water them, they are often thirsty and need water to bloom well.

You can also install bulbs in pots to flower terraces and balconies. In the sun, plant mini-dahlias. In a shady situation, plant begonias. Forget the somewhat old-fashioned image of these generous and colorful plants.

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