Budget 2023: after the use of article 49.3, the majority comes out “rather weakened”


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Wednesday, October 19, Elizabeth Borne had the first part of the 2023 budget adopted by resorting to article 49.3. Journalist Arnaud Boutet, present on the set of 8 Hours, Thursday, explains that the majority comes out “rather weakened”.

To get the first part of the 2023 budget adopted, Wednesday, October 19, the First minister Elizabeth Borne used article 49.3. Journalist Arnaud Boutet, present on the set of 8 Hours, Thursday, explains that the majority come out “rather weakened”. “As Nicolas Sarkozy said a few days ago with a hint of perfidy: ‘The 49.3 is a proof of weakness'”recalls the journalist. “We see that the majority has also shown its divisions”continues the journalist.

“If we take the Modem amendment on the taxation of corporate superdividends, we saw that this amendment had been adopted against the advice of the government with majority votes”details Arnaud Boutet. More 49.3s are to be expected. “The 49.3 could be used for the Social Security funding bill, that was confirmed by several ministers last night”continues the journalist.

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