Brussels sprouts, star of the holidays in the United Kingdom


Video length: 3 min

Gastronomy: Brussels sprouts, star of the holidays in the United Kingdom

Beloved by the British, Brussels sprouts are one of the favorite foods of holiday meals. Often hated by children, it nevertheless hides an incomparable taste. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – M. September, C. Marini, L. Soudre

France Televisions

Beloved by the British, Brussels sprouts are one of the favorite foods of holiday meals. Often hated by children, it nevertheless hides an incomparable taste.

With their green color, their slightly sweet flavor and their pronounced bitterness, they are the terror of little French schoolchildren. However, the British love them so much that Brussels sprouts have found a place on all the plates of festive meals. The British are the biggest eaters in Europe with nearly 40,000 tonnes each year, especially during the holidays. So at this time, in the Yorkshire region, John Simpson collects up to 250 kg of organic Brussels sprouts by hand every day. For more than 30 years he has been perpetuating this difficult winter harvest, typical of the north of England.

A tough reputation

Hard work that the great chefs of the region recognize, like Neil Bentinck, who comes here every week. On this chef’s menu, from November to February, Brussels sprouts in all its forms. But for him there is only one prohibition, the pot of boiling water: “They have a bad reputation only because they are often overcooked, boiled, limp and soggy but there are plenty of other ways to cook them“. On the menu that day, tempura Brussels sprouts, garam masala curry, ginger and coriander, for spicy flavors. A dish that enhances this winter vegetable unfairly hated by some.

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