The president of the Republican group in the Senate, Bruno Retailleau, reacted this Sunday on franceinfo, after the interview with the President of the Republic on 8 p.m. on France 2 and TF1.
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“Tonight he was not good, he was not smooth. We wondered why he came to talk to us. I even imagined that he had chosen this date so as not to talk about the senatorial elections and the bad result that his party recorded”reacted Sunday September 24 on franceinfo Bruno Retailleau, president of the LR group in the Senate, after the interview with Emmanuel Macron in the 8 p.m. of France 2 and TF1 and the results of the senatorial elections dominated by the right and marked by the return of RN with three elected officials.
“The senatorial majority of the right and center is reinforced and within this majority my group is by far the first majority group. The voters reward the work that has been done in the Senate.”
Bruno Retailleaufranceinfo
During his interview on 8 p.m. on TF1 and France 2, Emmanuel Macron declared that “if there was work, it would first have to be the French who could occupy these positions. I see that things are changing” in terms of immigration, but “with Emmanuel Macron you never know if it’s bacon or pork,” declared Bruno Retailleau.
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Emmanuel Macron also mentioned fuel prices, with sales at cost and aid for the lowest-income workers. “He’s running out of imagination.”estimated Bruno Retailleau. “We can clearly see that things are floundering. Counting on the goodwill of distributors will not bring much benefit to the French.” For the president of the LR group in the Senate “Only targeted aid can ensure that we help our compatriots. Today, whatever it takes and checks galore are over. It’s a time bomb.”