Bruno Masure: This famous animator who he resented, after he “undressed” for an improbable sequence

This Friday, October 14, Bruno Masure celebrates his 75th birthday. Disgusted with the profession, this former emblematic figure of the small screen claims to have hung up forever. And his rare appearances now remain only his speeches on Twitter, often in the form of a few skillfully distilled spades. Thus, were victims of the sniper, Mireille Dumas who had forced the latter to spread out his private life, but also Laurence Ferrari, Pascal Praud, Gérard Holtz or Jean-Pierre Pernaut, “the shame of the profession“. And Nagui could also have taken for his rank to believe their liabilities. Indeed, Bruno Massure wanted some a moment after he either “undressed” for an improbable sequence.

It was Nagui who remembered a moment on television with Bruno Masure, in TV kids on France 2, Sunday March 27th. The star of the small screen, who shares his life with his wife Mélanie Page, returned to the long moment of loneliness of the former presenter of the 8 p.m. news de France 2. It was January 10, 1993, and Nagui was a guest of 8 p.m. news of France 2 to promote his show Taratata. Only 32 years old, the father of the family was invited alongside another troublemaker, the illustrious actor Michel Serrault. And together, they offered a cult television sequence, but which did not please everyone, in particular Bruno Masure.

Nagui’s apologies, bitter Bruno Masure

Nagui and the actor at the time undressed on set, in front of the cameras, and thus ended up in socks and boxer shorts, for a simple device. And reviewing the images of this unforgettable moment in The children of TV, the host of Do not forget the words explained why Bruno Masure was bitter. “It was the launch of Taratata the same evening. If you allow me… I know that Bruno Masure resented us because, unfortunately, he had bad news to tell us“, remembered Nagui. He was told in the earpiece to announce the death of a French soldier abroad. He said two, three times while we were undressing ‘I can’t, I can’t…’ We didn’t know why he was saying that“, added the former companion of Marine Vignes. He then clarified that it had not really ended well with Bruno Masure. And in September 2019, he had apologized to him in Everyone wants to take its placeduring a question asked to the candidates about this famous surprising striptease sequence. I apologize to Bruno Masure because everything was improvised“, he had concluded

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