Bruno (Love is in the meadow) in a relationship with a Miss! Nathalie’s ex-suitor confides

In the sixteenth season of Love is in the meadow, broadcast in 2021 on M6, Nathalie, calf breeder, was courted by a certain Bruno. The suitor had finally left the dating show. If he did not get into a relationship with the farmer he had come to seduce, he is now happy and filled in love, as he himself tells in an interview for Vosges Morning Wednesday 5 January 2022.

Bruno is no longer a heart to take! Shortly after leaving Nathalie’s home, giving way to Stéphane, the other suitor, he found his other half. Indeed, the railway worker presents Christine, his new companion met last May during an evening with mutual friends. The lucky one is 51 years old and the mother of three children. She was elected Miss of her town in the 1980s and now works as an agent in a hospital department.

Christine has brought it all together in a woman: sensitive, sweet, adorable and beautiful, says Bruno, who had taken a “poop shower“on the air, to our colleagues. We have many points in common. It’s incredible ! All that remains is to introduce him to the bike.“For her part, she indicates what attracted her to Nathalie’s former suitor:”I immediately appreciated his kindness, his calm, his way of speaking to me.

The love story began last May. So when broadcasting Love is in the meadow, Bruno and Christine were already a couple. And the beauty felt some fears … “When Bruno told me about the show, I was scared. I had been warned elsewhere. I asked myself a lot of questions at the beginning“, she remembers. And for good reason, Bruno received a wave of love, between letters, calls and photos of women who wanted to try their luck with him. One of his women even came to the home. by Bruno the day after the first episode aired on M6. “When she saw me she understood“, says Christine.

Since then, the couple spins the perfect love. Bruno and Christine even had a wonderful holiday in Portugal last summer. The opportunity for the beauty to take the plane for the first time. An experience shared with his half!

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