Bruno Le Maire wants to make sure that consulting firms pay their taxes in France


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Bruno Le Maire was received by Anne-Sophie Lapix on Thursday April 7. In particular, he mentioned the use of consulting firms.

Bruno le Maire, Minister of Economy and Finance, was the guest of the 20 hours of France 2, Thursday, April 7. He first claimed that he “the use of consulting firms must be limited only to activities that the public service cannot perform”. In addition, Bruno Le Maire considered that it is necessary “to make sure that [les cabinets de conseil] pay their taxes well, which they owe to the French public treasury”. He added that his services make sure of that.

The government has committed to reducing the use of consulting firms by 15% in 2022. “There is room”, recognizes the Minister of the Economy. He nevertheless defended the consulting firms: “We have [au sein de l’appareil d’État] generalists who are not specialists aware of the latest IT developments.”said Bruno Le Maire.

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