Bruno Le Maire shirtless: the minister drops the top, Internet users do not remain unmoved

Attacked by the left on its refusal to impose a tax on the superprofits or exceptional profits of large multinationals – despite a very favorable opinion from the French, as revealed by a poll by the HuffPost – Bruno Le Maire does not worry too much and prefers to take full advantage of his holidays. He put his suitcases in Brittany.

On Instagram, Wednesday August 10, the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty posted a postcard-like photo of his vacation. But, more than the landscape, it is especially him that one could see. And for good reason: Bruno Le Maire showed himself shirtless, on a selfie caught in the sun in front of the waves. “Sea bathing in transparent water at Ile Grande: one of the wonders of Brittany and France. Good end of the day to all!“, he wrote in the caption. A surprising cliché for the 53-year-old politician, who came from the ranks of the right to join Macronie a few years ago now. He is always so serious, so dapper in a suit and tie, so knocked the top off and got a lot of reactions.

In the comments of his publication, Bruno Le Maire was able to read various and varied messages in reaction to this photo. “Psahtek BG“; “You are wonderful Bruno“; “Need to tan a little Nono“; “What a liking our minister” or “What a BG this Bruno, my model of masculinity“; “What a handsome man! Looks like DdVillepin“, can we read for example. He left no one indifferent. Let’s hope for him that his wife, the discreet Pauline Doussau de Bazignan is not too jealous.

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