Bruno Le Maire responds to criticism from the right on the 2024 budget

Guest of franceinfo, the minister castigated the right and the Republicans, themselves critical of the 2024 budget. The LR “only had to vote” for reforms, replies Bruno Le Maire.


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Bruno Le Maire, Minister of Economy and Finance, guest of 8.30 franceinfo on Thursday November 23, 2023. (FRANCEINFO)

At one point, there are two wires touching each other“, castigates Thursday November 23 on franceinfo Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy and Public Finance. He was responding to criticism from the right on the 2024 budget, who believes that there are not enough savings planned. “When we have two wires touching each other, we trip“, tackles the minister.

The LRsjust had to vote“reforms,” replies Bruno Le Maire, referring in particular to pension reform.”It’s nice to consider that structural reforms are not enough, that they are not there. But in this case, questions Bruno Le Maire, What prevented the Republicans from unanimously voting for pension reform?

What would stop them [les droites], to propose other structural reforms to us? And why, continues the minister, in this case, are they proposing to us, in Parliament, 100 billion euros in additional spending?

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