Bruno Le Maire promises to “wage total economic and financial war on Russia”, listen again to 8:30 a.m. franceinfo

Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy, is the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo”, Tuesday March 1.

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“We are going to cause the collapse of the Russian economy” through the Western economic sanctions imposed in response to the Russian invasion in Ukraine, said the Minister of Economy Bruno Le Maire, guest Tuesday March 1 of the “8:30 am franceinfo”. “The economic and financial balance of power is totally in favor of the European Union, which is in the process of discovering its economic power”, also estimated the minister on franceinfo.

Bruno Le Maire considered that there is now a “problem of principle to work with any political or economic personality close to Russian power”. Concerning TotalEnergies, the Minister assured that “decisions” would be taken “in the coming days” with the group. President of TotalEnergies Patrick Pouyanné “has an acute awareness of the gravity of the situation” and “I think we will be able to make decisions together in the days to come”, insisted Bruno Le Maire.

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