Bercy expressed concern on Tuesday about an “extremely rapid increase in local authority spending”, which they denounce.
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“If the situation deteriorates, Bruno Le Maire must assume his responsibilities and not start pointing the finger at others”indicated Tuesday, September 3 on franceinfo the PS mayor of Montpellier, Michaël Delafosse. In a letter addressed Monday to several parliamentarians, Bercy expressed concern about a “extremely rapid increase in local government spending” which could push the public deficit to 5.6% of GDP this year.
“No one can escape their own turpitude. It is the Minister of Finance who presents a budget with a deficit that has continued to grow, therefore Mr. Mayor”stressed Michaël Delafosse, assuring that “local authorities are well managed”.
“I am very surprised that suddenly he is targeting local authorities”said the PS mayor of Montpellier. “What local authorities have done in recent years is that they have been there for public investment to support employment after the Covid crisis and meet national objectives that we share, such as the ecological transition.”he said. “No community can be in deficit, the law forbids us from doing so, unlike the State”, he also recalled.
“The State has deprived itself of a certain number of revenues in recent years and as a result, it has weakened its budget,” continued Michaël Delafosse, citing in particular the abolition of the ISF in 2018. “We are collectively caught up and the one who is responsible for the state budget is the resigning Minister of Finance.”