The coordinator of France Insoumise was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo” this Thursday.
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Bruno Le Maire “the Minister of the Economy is not there to beg, but to decide“, estimates the coordinator of France Insoumise, Manuel Bompard, after the refusal on Tuesday of distributors to sell their fuel at a loss. However, the government immediately announced “maintain” his project, which should come into force at the beginning of December, for a period of six months.
>> Fuel prices: six questions on selling at a loss by distributors, which the government wants to authorize
The member for Bouches-du-Rhône denounced a measure “dangerous and does not work“.”Dangerous, because there is a network of small service stations in this country which are not linked to large oil groups, therefore do not make extraordinary profits upstream of the chain, particularly at the time of refining“, he explained. “If you allow large retailers to sell at a loss, you are creating a form of unfair competition“, he insisted. The opportunity for Manuel Bompard to recall that reselling at a loss has been prohibited in France since 1963.
He called on the government to “get out of the logic of incantation and request“and to”block fuel prices” around “1.50 euros“. According to him, “the increase in prices on fuel, as on food products, is linked to the margin“.”You cannot have both a very large majority of the population sticking out their tongues and on the other hand, a few hand-picked shareholders lining their pockets.“, he continued, calling on the executive to take “price blocking measures” and of “margin blocking“.