The Minister of the Economy, however, asks LR for “leniency” in the negotiations.
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Backpedaling. The Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, called on the government, Wednesday December 13, to “to resume the version” of the immigration bill from the Senatewhere the right had considerably hardened the text, while asking LR to “leniency” in the negotiations. “What is the only way today for such a law to pass? It is to adopt the Senate version”estimates Bruno Le Maire in Le Figarowhile the executive and the right seek a compromise on the text, rejected outright on Monday in the Assembly hemicycle.
The Minister of the Economy, however, says he hopes that “the LR understand that we must move the lines on two sensitive points for our majority: the AME and the conditions of access to social assistance” for foreigners, two points which had been restricted by the senatorial right. “We can only get out of this on two conditions”, believes Bruno Le Maire. First of all, “if the majority recognizes that it has suffered a defeat” Monday with the adoption of a motion to reject in the Assembly. And secondly, “if the winners, the LRs, show a little leniency”he urged.
Elisabeth Borne began a round of consultations on Wednesday with the Republicans, who intend to stick to the version released by the Senate. But the Prime Minister must also find a point of balance among Macronists wishing to preserve the “at the same time” of the text, between firmness measures and regularization of undocumented workers.