Bruno Le Maire claims to have “never recommended anyone to wear a turtleneck” and castigates a “vain controversy”

In a text published on Facebook, the Minister of Economy reflects on the reactions to his desire to wear a turtleneck rather than a tie, under the energy conservation plan.

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“Dear readers, forgive me for bothering you for a turtleneck.” Bruno Le Maire published, Saturday, October 8, a text on his Facebook page, in which he returns to the reactions aroused by his desire to wear a turtleneck rather than a tie, as part of the energy sobriety plan. The Minister of the Economy castigates a “vain controversy” and feels that his word has been “distorted, transformed, twisted for the sole pleasure of buzz and noise”.

Invited on France Inter on September 27, the tenant of Bercy had shared the practices of his ministry to limit energy consumption. “You will no longer see me with a tie but with a turtleneck. (…) It will allow us to save energy, to show sobriety”, said Bruno Le Maire. Before publishing a few hours later a photo of him in a turtleneck in his office. His remarks were then derided by the political opposition.

I did not expect to come to this after fifteen years of political commitment, wrote the Minister of the Economy on Facebook on Saturday. But I have to, because to be silent would be to make myself an accomplice to the generalized sneer that risks becoming little by little our national public life.

“The turtleneck protects in winter. You don’t need a minister to know that. You don’t need his dress recommendations even less.”

Bruno the Mayor

on Facebook

At the risk of surprising you after a week where the opposite has been said, I have never recommended anyone to wear a turtleneck”, he added. Before concluding as follows: In a sweater, a tie, a swimsuit or a suit, it doesn’t matter: I won’t give up on my ideas.”

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