Bruno Le Maire and Gabriel Attal heard by the Senate Finance Committee

What there is to know

Bruno Le Maire and Gabriel Attal continue their hearings in Parliament. After having been heard by the Finance Committee of the National Assembly, the Minister of Economy and Finance, as well as the Minister Delegate for Public Accounts are heard from 9:15 a.m. by the Finance Committee of the Senate, Friday July 7 . Their hearing will focus on the draft budget regulation and approval of the accounts for the year 2021, as well as on the amending finance bill (PLFR) for 2022. Follow our live.

A series of measures for purchasing power. Through two texts, a draft amending budget and the bill “for the protection of purchasing power”, the government presented Thursday a series of aid to help the French face inflation. Among the main measures announced are the early revaluations of 4% of retirement pensions and social benefits, the increase of 3.5% of the index point for public officials, a “food voucher” of at least 100 euros for eight million households or even a “workers” fuel allowance of 100 to 300 euros.

A first hearing at the National Assembly. For their first confrontation with the Assembly on this draft amending budget, Bruno Le Maire and Gabriel Attal were treated to a polite welcome from the Finance Committee, now chaired by the rebel Eric Coquerel. The Minister of Economy reminded the Finance Committee that parliamentarians could “obviously improve” executive proposals. The Nupes already plans to table numerous amendments to the bill.

The Court of Auditors fears “uncertainties” on the government’s budget forecasts. The forecast for a public deficit of 5% of GDP at the end of 2022 “remains marred by multiple uncertainties” linked to “the health and geopolitical situation”warned the Court of Auditors on Thursday in its annual report on the situation and outlook for public finances. the Court is also alarmed by the financial impact of the PLFR, rich with around twenty billion in new expenditure.

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