Bruno, dedicated paramedic but worried about his profession



France Televisions

Article written by

Naoufel El Khaouafi, Alexandre Gros, Alexandra Cosqueric – franceinfo

France Televisions

At 48, Bruno Basset notes that the profession of ambulance driver, which he is proud to exercise, is facing a shortage of personnel, for lack of better remuneration and working conditions. not enough serene.

It is time to act for this profession and for the government to realize how essential this profession is to make hospitals work.“, says Bruno Basset, 48, business manager and ambulance driver in Pierre-Bénite (Rhône). Invested in his profession since he was 16, he describes today “a shortage of personnel, a flight (…), a weariness“which no longer allow public service missions to be carried out.

It must be said that the paramedics win”minimum wage, or barely more, while we work incredible hours. You might as well go find a less restrictive, less exhausting job“. A few weeks before the presidential election, Bruno Basset explains that he is “neither left nor right. I’m extremely indecisive, I’m waiting for words strong“. He claims to be better considered, with regard to the social utility and the working conditions of the paramedics.

My voice counts” is a series of reports that give citizens a voice. The franceinfo channel 27 reporting teams crisscrossed the territories to meet the French people in order to question them about their concerns and expectations vis-à-vis politics and in particular presidential candidates.


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