Bruce Willis victim of aphasia: his daughter Rumer shares moving photos

The night of the 94th Academy Awards, March 27, 2022, was marked not only by Will Smith’s incredible slap in the face to Chris Rock. The audience at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles also witnessed a joyful reunion: that of the cast of the film pulp Fiction, by Quentin Tarantino, twenty-seven years later. Alas, someone was missing from Uma Thurman, Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta: it was Bruce Willis, who played Butch Coolidge in this incredible cinematic puzzle.

And for good reason, we are not likely to see Bruce Willis, neither on the Oscars stage, nor elsewhere in the coming months. As his family announced in a press release written by several hands, the 67-year-old actor is forced to put an end to his brilliant career because of health concerns. The actor is the victim of an aphasia which handicaps him with a language disorder. Fortunately, the actor has the support of all members of his family, including his daughter Rumer, 33, whom he had with Demi Moore in 1988.

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