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The American actor ended his career at the age of 67 due to aphasia. In his roles, he has often symbolized the American hero, but not only.
Not talkative, but efficient with a weapon: Bruce Willis is the symbol of the American hero. Many times he has saved the planet, but lately he’s been appearing more in gruff cop roles. His end of career, at 67, took everyone by surprise. The actor suffers from aphasia, a speech disorder that prevents him from being able to continue acting. Bruce Willis has especially made known with the character of John McClane in the film crystal trap.
Throughout his career, the actor hasn’t been afraid to get wet and let go of his star status. He had agreed to lower his fee to play in a director’s low-budget film: pulp Fiction by Quentin Tarantino. He inspired ambitious directors who gave him deeper roles, such as that of a child psychologist in Sixth Sense. Bruce Willis films have grossed $7 billion.