Bruce Toussaint: His daughter Lola, a charming brunette, is also a journalist!

Journalism is a family affair with the Toussaints! If we know the father well Bruce Toussaint, presenter on the air every day on the private channel BFMTV, he is far from the only one to debrief the news on a daily basis. In fact, his wife Catherine Fruchon also knows the job well. Since 2011 she has been working as a magazine manager Literature Without Borders, program broadcast weekly on RFI (Radio France Internationale). A shared passion for information that could not please the morning worker more. “And it is with her that I also like to debrief because I know that she will be fair in her analysis.“, he confided during an interview for Gala released last April.

Bruce Toussaint and Catherine also had two children, Noah and Lola, who may well follow in their footsteps. It is in particular the 22-year-old girl who seems to have a strong interest in pursuing a career as a journalist. Moreover, she does everything for her, since she is student at YEI (European Institute of Journalism).She is very interested in it. She takes courses in a school of journalism, so we are really in the kind of complete cliché (laughs), he explained again for our colleagues. And to add cautiously:But hey, she’s 22, let’s say that’s a possibility for her and then she’ll make the perfect choice for her life. But it’s a high probability“. On her Instagram account, the pretty Lola likes to share her papers signed with her name. She even already works as a confirmed pen for the website of Paris Match.

As for his son Noé, whose age we do not know, it is difficult to know in which direction he is heading. But there again, Bruce Toussaint could quite get used to the idea of ​​him also becoming a journalist.I will not be opposed to it, on the contrary. It might even be a secret wish of mine (laughs). But I leave him alone!“, he assured Gala.

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