Brome-Missisquoi | Celebrating vineyards

December is here, and the Brome-Missisquoi vineyards have their hearts set on celebrating. This Saturday and Sunday, a dozen of them are offering a variety of activities to wine lovers as part of the “Festival Special on the Wine Route” event.

Véronique Larocque

Véronique Larocque

Winter guided tours, food and wine pairings, commented tastings and the presence of artisans are on the schedule.

Looking for gift ideas? The winegrowers will be happy to give you suggestions. Among the participating vineyards, some will close their doors until spring after this weekend.

It is therefore a great opportunity to visit them for the last time in 2021 and to discover their winter side.

December 4 and 5, from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., in one of the ten participating vineyards.

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