Broken Heart Syndrome Really Exists!

After a breakup, we feel sadness and pain… our little heart aches. This is not just an image, the broken heart syndrome also called “tako-tsubo” is not a myth! A study of several months carried out in the United Kingdom showed that the heart muscle has small scars. These sequelae go so far as to reduce the elasticity of the heart and the muscle is weakened, especially when it comes to pumping blood.

Did you know ? This syndrome first appeared in Japan in the 1990s.

The heart suffers sequelae that do not go away contrary to what doctors thought some time ago! Therefore, there are no long-term treatments. It is mostly women who are affected by this phenomenon, about 9 women out of every man affected.

To better get out of a heartbreak, here are some tips:

You have the right to feel sad, angry and melancholy! You go through different phases because you are in “mourning”. In the same day, you will feel different emotions, sometimes even joy and that’s completely normal! Accept what you feel, go at your own pace and take the opportunity to take a step back on yourself and on the mistakes that you will no longer make, whether on your actions or on the choice of your future partner.

Take advantage of this “freedom”, to take time for yourself. Alone or with friends, go out and change your mind! If you like cooking, make good cakes. If your thing is sports, go to the gym more! Above all, do not stay alone in your corner because the risk is to become nostalgic and lock yourself in deep sadness.

Jeanette Atme Daou

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