“Broken everywhere”, “tetraplegic”, Philippe Lavil victim of a terrible accident and forced to manage problems which “rotted his life”

At 75, the artist is back in the spotlight on the occasion of the release on April 21, 2023 of his new album entitled Under the same sun. On the agenda, covers of some of his greatest hits such as She prefers love at sea in duet with Claudio Capéo but also musical exchanges with Chloé Cassandre, Viktor Lazlo or his youngest daughter Lola, 30 years old. A first for the young woman who has always been very close to her dad. Especially since the very serious accident that he experienced in the mountains in 1997. On the occasion of his rare confidences in the magazine Gala, published on April 20, Lola remembers having discovered his father “broken everywhere” ! An event engraved in their memories because following a fall from skiing, the singer had to stay cloistered at home for an entire year: “I had a neck brace, I weighed about thirty kilos. I lived in a small apartment and could not take care of the children who came to see me on Wednesdays. Not very funny”, he remembers for the weekly. A difficult recovery situation because, at the same time, the singer was in the middle of a divorce with the mother of his three children!

“I am often reproached for my eternal adolescence. Me, I claim it loud and clear”

And a whole bunch of “problems” inherent in managing who “rotted life” for a while, as he already pointed out to Téléstar, in 2011. Nevertheless, from this double ordeal, Philip Lavil, born Philippe Durand of La Villejégu du Fresnay, developed a frenetic taste for life: “Since the accident that could have left me quadriplegic, I savor every moment of life. I am often reproached for my eternal adolescence. Me, I claim it loud and clear”, he also claimed in Paris Match in 2011. And, immensely lucky, the singer was able to count on his children to overcome all the obstacles, including Lola who today gives voice to the new album of his father on the title You box. Director of a digital marketing company with Thomas, her brother 4 years older than her, she maintains a huge bond with the one with whom she shares very close relations. “maternal”. Amused, Philippe Lavil says: “She yells at me, too, because I don’t understand computers. Or when I want to refill a glass of pinard. But these shouting matches never last long”recounts, full of tenderness, the artist who knows how precious these moments of sincere tenderness are.


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