Brive finally withdraws his complaint, match won for Toulouse

Stade Toulousain should not have to replay the match in Brive despite the confusion of the 72nd minute on Saturday in Corrèze.

Maciello: “A lot of fuss for not much”

We contacted the boss of French referees and he explains that there should be no replays: “It is the decision that belongs to the Disciplinary Committee of the LNR but _It seems a bit crazy to me to replay this match. The rules provide that if there has been an error, the error will be recognized but if the score has not been modified, the match will be validated._. That’s a lot of fuss for not much. In a match where there are 40 points, we recognize the error but that does not change the course of history. If it had been 3-3, and points scored behind there, it would have changed the course of history.”

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The CAB finally withdraws its complaint

We learn this Sunday evening that the CAB has finally decided to withdraw its complaint to the NRL. She had no chance of succeeding. Toulouse has therefore won the match and retains its sixth place in the standings.

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