Britney Spears wedding: her sublime slit dress finally revealed, the first photos!

We really wanted it to be a nice little time with family and friends

For nine months, Britney Spears had been organizing her wedding in the greatest secrecy. The mother of Sean Preston and Jayden had appealed to the organizer of five-star events Jeffrey Best, who works for the agency Best Events, to help him. “We really wanted it to be a nice little time with family and friendsconfides Britney to the magazine Vogue, who attended the nuptials. We wanted warm and feminine colours, white, cream, gold and lots of different shades of pink and red.

After this short ceremony, the newlyweds and guests left to party – a carriage and a white horse were parked in his garden for possible trips. During the evening, Britney Spears changed three times, in Versace each time, and danced like crazy with her friends to the music chosen by DJ Albert. The story even says that she would have moved her hips, with Selena Gomez and Madonna, on her own title Toxic

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