Britney Spears’ wedding: a tragedy narrowly avoided, her ex had become encrusted with a very dangerous object

Level ex invasive (and psychotic), Britney Spears has won the jackpot. Visibly very surprised not to have been invited to Brit’s wedding on June 9, 2022, her ex-husband Jason Alexander (to whom she was married 55 hours in 2004 in Las Vegas) illegally snuck onto the property of the star. But instead of arriving with a beautiful bouquet that could (you never know) please the bride, the young man decided to break into the property with… a knife (which says a lot about his intentions)!

After having wandered quietly in the garden but also in the house of the singer, even daring to broadcast the images live on Instagram, Jason Alexander was finally arrested by the security service of Britney. Arrested for trespassing, vandalism and assault and battery according to the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office, the man also had an emergency restraining order saying he must stay at least 100 yards away from newlyweds Britney and Sam.

Britney’s attorney, Mathew Rosengart, told TMZ : “I want to thank Sergeant Cyrus Zadeh, Detective Ken Michaelson and the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office for their speed and good work and look forward to working with law enforcement to ensure that Alexander be aggressively prosecuted and hopefully convicted. This is an outrageous security breach, which infuriates me, but luckily Britney is safe and she was a beautiful and happy brideFortunately indeed, Alexander was unable to get in direct contact with Britney during the incident.

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