Britney Spears posts completely naked photos, her fans worried about her mental health

What stung Britney Spears? This is the question that fans of the ex-singer are asking themselves this Tuesday, May 10, 2022 after a series of strange Instagram publications from their idol. The latter see it as a possible relapse or even a call for help…

Britney appeared completely naked on several Instagram posts on Tuesday. Indeed, we discovered him facing the camera showing off in the simplest device and a little makeup on his eyes. The star had just taken care to place a heart emoji at the level of her private parts. “Series of photos from the last time I was in Mexico before there was a baby inside of me… Why do I look 10 years younger on vacation?“Britney added in the caption.

Even more surprising, the famous shot was posted nine times with, each time, filters or a different cut. Something to be confused about. The publication also quickly worried the fans (yet accustomed to seeing the star pose naked). The latter did not hesitate to launch the alert, believing that these photos testify to an emotional distress and a psychological problem of the interpreter of Toxic. “It’s weird and y’all should stop accepting that”, “but what are you doing? Stop it!”, “I’m going to unsubscribe, I can’t let people make money exploiting a mental break” or “hey guys she needs help“, dropped some interns concerned about the health of the pop star.

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