Britney Spears not so rich: why her fortune is “so low”?

Britney Spears has been on cloud nine since American justice under pressure thanks to the global movement #FreeBritney, gave him his freedom by putting an end to his abusive guardianship. The star had announced wanting to celebrate as long as possible, breaking his sobriety, until his birthday precisely. And it is this December 2 that she celebrates her 40 years. While his career is on hiatus, his fortune has taken a hit …

The interpreter of the hits Toxic, Baby One More Time or Womanizer started his career very young and the figures say a lot about his global success: 100 million albums sold, 372 international awards, 10 tours … You might think that Britney Spears is one of the richest stars in show business … and yet this is far from the case! Indeed, his fortune is estimated by Celebrity Net Worth to “only” $ 70 million. She is thus beaten by her sisters like Katy Perry (330 million), Taylor Swift (400 million), Madonna (850 million) or Rihanna (1.7 billion!).

But where did Britney Spears’ fortune go? Since being placed under guardianship in 2008, the singer has notably paid millions of dollars to her ill-treated father Jamie Spears, who has long had control of his finances. As revealed Forbes, who had access to the legal documents presented by the singer in her arm wrestling for the end of her guardianship, she notably paid $ 5 million to his father in 13 years. On the justice side, the mother of Jayden James (15) and Sean Preston (16) also spent a lot of money on legal fees: $ 3 million paid to Samuel D. Ingham III according to New York Times. Finally, the singer would also pour $ 20,000 in monthly child support to her ex-husband Kevin Federline, who has primary custody of the children, reports TMZ.

On the music side, Britney Spears has not performed on stage since January 2019, after putting her second residence in Las Vegas on hiatus following the cancer of her father Jamie and then his voluntary internment in a care center. As for his last album, it dates back to 2016 with the release of Glory very confidential success with sales estimated at only 400,000 copies worldwide. Since then, the star has no more activity and therefore his income has fallen sharply. And partnerships with brands have also slowed down, depriving her of pretty checks. With the end of her guardianship, will Britney relaunch her career? Case to be continued!

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