Britney Spears denounces the thirteen years of guardianship of her family

American pop icon Britney Spears denounced Sunday evening August 28, in a long audio message on social networks, thirteen years of guardianship exercised due to psychological disorders of the singer. This guardianship, decided in 2008 and which ended by a court decision in Los Angeles on November 12, was mainly under the authority of Jamie Spears, father of Britney Spears.

Aged 40 today, the star had already spoken briefly since the lifting of this guardianship, which she described as“abusive”, and which notably prevented her from removing her IUD despite her desire to have other children. Since then, Britney Spears married her fiancé Sam Asghari, 28, in June. The couple announced in the spring that the singer had suffered a miscarriage.

In a 22-minute audio message posted on YouTube on the evening of August 28, the media variety was the first to reveal and since deleted from her account, Britney Spears denounces in a sad and sometimes hoarse voice her thirteen years of life under the “control” of her father, with the consent, according to her, of her “mother”of his “brother” and its “friends”. “What the fuck did I do to deserve this?” we hear him say on the audio tape, also accusing his family and loved ones of having him “literally killed”.

The artist judges in particular that his father Jamie Spears has “punished” during his thirteen years of guardianship by preventing him from “see anyone or say anything”.

“Everything was organized. No drugs, no alcohol, no nothing. Pure abuse of weakness.”

Britney Spears

In an audio message

She accuses his relatives to have him “gave the feeling that (she) was nothing”. “And I had accepted it”concludes Britney Spears.

On August 26, however, the star released his first song in six years, a duet with British legend Elton John and titled Hold Me Closer. Britney Spears’ last release dates back to 2016, with her album Glory. The pop star, revealed by several planetary hits including Baby One More Timehasn’t given an interview in years and rarely appears publicly.

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