British Tories struggling, drugs seized in Switzerland



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The 23 Hours makes the rounds of European news. It’s Eurozapping on Friday May 6th.

In the United Kingdom, the Conservatives suffered an electoral setback. The Labor Party largely wins the elections for the renewal of more than 200 local councils. In London, the Conservatives lost seats, with a historic defeat in Westminster, unheard of since 1964. A negative signal for the Conservative Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, weakened by the “party gate” scandal.

In Switzerland, bags of coffee beans supposed to be delivered to a factory actually contained 500kg of cocaine. The first results of the investigation indicate that the drugs came from Brazil. The chief of police of Freiburg evokes “a very, very exceptional seizure. This is the first time that we have had a seizure of this magnitude.“. The value of the goods is estimated at nearly 50 million euros.

In Copenhagen, the Danish capital, strange raised benches have been placed in crowded places. They symbolize climate change and rising sea levels. “This bench caught my eye because it is not like the others. It is not very comfortable but it evokes climate change, so it is a good idea“, summarizes a passerby.

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