British teenager found six years after his disappearance



Video length: 1 min

United Kingdom: a teenager missing for six years found in Haute-Garonne

A young 17-year-old British man, who disappeared in 2017, reappeared on the night of Wednesday December 13 to Thursday December 14 in Haute-Garonne. He was walking on the side of the road when a delivery man took him into the car. He claims to have lived for six years with his mother in a traveling spiritual community. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – A.Bouleis, M.Lassaga, M.Mouamma, C.Dubrul

France Televisions

A young 17-year-old British man, who disappeared in 2017, reappeared on the night of Wednesday December 13 to Thursday December 14 in Haute-Garonne. He was walking on the side of the road when a delivery man took him into the car. He claims to have lived for six years with his mother in a traveling spiritual community.

For six years, Alex’s youthful face Batty appeared in the United Kingdom among those of missing children. Aged today 17 years old, he was found in Haute-Garonne. On the night of Wednesday December 13 to Thursday December 14, he was walking on the side of the road when a delivery man made him get into the car. “He explained to me that he had been walking for four days, that he had started from a corner in the mountains. He didn’t tell me where. He explained to me that he had been kidnapped. I typed his name online, and saw some surveys about him“, says Fabien Accidinithe deliveryman in question.

Placed under the protection of social services

In 2017, this boy from Manchester (United Kingdom), then aged 11, went on vacation to Spain with his mother and grandfather. He never came back. His grandmother, who is also his legal guardian, accused the two adults for leading him into a cult. Picked up by the gendarmes, the teenager claims to have lived with his mother in a traveling spiritual community until last weekend, when he decided to run away. While waiting to return to the UK, Alex Batty was placed under the protection of social services.

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