British migration policy, small group arrested in Germany and Spain to the rescue of the Titanic




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Like every evening, 11 p.m. takes a tour of the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s Eurozapping on Thursday April 14th.

Britain wants to send migrants back to Rwanda. They crossed the Channel at the risk of their lives. 28,000 migrants last year alone. Britain does not want to keep them. The solution, the Minister of the Interior has just found it: transfer them 6000 kilometers away, to Rwanda, thanks to a financial agreement. “Economic migrants who abuse the asylum system will not be able to stay in the UK, while those who really need it will be adequately protected“, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said.

In Germany, a far-right group has been brought under control. Four people have just been arrested. They were considering a giant blackout to take power. They slipped into the anti-Covid movement and wanted to remove the Minister of Health. “We are dealing with radicalized anti-Covids. A small group that wanted to destabilize the state and democracy“, explains Karl Lauterbach, German Minister of Health. The investigators managed to intercept them thanks to a fake arms sale on Telegram.

Spain is concerned about the fate of the Titanic. It sank 110 years ago today and its wreck could disappear by 2050. The Titanic, broken in two after hitting an iceberg, lies more than 4000 meters deep. Discovered off the coast of Newfoundland, this UNESCO heritage is in danger. “Iron-loving bacteria attack Titanic’s structures. They could cause the disintegration of the wreckagee”. At the time only a third of the passengers could be saved and more than 1,500 people drowned.

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