British left favourites in UK general election after 14 years of Conservative rule

The United Kingdom is preparing to renew its House of Commons on Thursday, July 4. Labour could take power from the Conservatives, who have been leading the country for 14 years.


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Keir Starmer, leader of the British Labour Party, is the clear favourite in the polls ahead of the UK general election. (PHIL NOBLE / POOL)

Eight years after the Brexit vote, is the United Kingdom preparing to distance itself from the discourse that led to its exit from the European Union? The British left could overthrow the Conservatives, who have been in power for 14 years. On Thursday, July 4, the English are called to the polls to renew the 650 seats of the Communal room of United Kingdom. And the frontrunner in the polls is Keir Starmer of the Labour Party.

At the start of the campaign, a platform supported by more than 120 English bosses was published in the English daily The TimesThe signatories are calling for a change of direction and are placing their trust in the British left. This is an unexpected endorsement, given that the Labour Party was already leading the polls in the UK. Historically, it is the Conservatives that big business people trust for business, which is proof of the British left’s status as favourite in this campaign.

Other personalities have made their support for Keir Starmer public: many donors, first, who participate financially in the campaign effort. Many of them have turned their backs on the Conservative Party to support the British left. Other support also comes from celebrities, such as the British singer Elton John, who announced it in a campaign spot.

This frontrunner position is the result of four years of changes within the Labour Party. A change organized by Keir Starmer, who we can already imagine as Prime Minister after the elections. He has cut the left wing of the party and has refocused it enormously. Moreover, the economic programs of Labour and the Conservatives are not very different, hence the influx of public support from bosses accustomed to the policies of the English right.

To do this, Keir Starmer has separated himself from his predecessor, Jeremy Corbyn, whom he found too cumbersome because he was much more to the left. A left wing considered too frightening for business circles and for a centrist electorate. Result: forecasts give Labour between 400 and 450 seats. This is an overwhelming majority, which would allow it to govern despite some rebels on certain measures.

In four years, the Labour Party has changed a lot after the total debacle of the Brexit campaign. The party was torn between pro-Brexit and anti-Brexit. But in the middle of the campaign, it was the word that no one said, not even Keir Starmer, who had personally opposed it. Now, he assures that he does not want to reverse this decision.

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