British justice will once again examine the United States’ extradition request

The High Court of London overturned the refusal to extradite the founder of WikiLeaks, reversing the decision taken at first instance. The judges ruled that Washington had provided assurances on the treatment of the whistleblower.

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The High Court of London overturned, Friday, December 10, the refusal to extradite Julan Assange to the United States, where the founder of WikiLeaks could be tried for the massive leak of confidential documents. British justice “authorize the call” formed by Washington, said Judge Tim Holroyde, which means the US claim is going to be considered again.

The British senior magistrates are thus revisiting the initial decision of Judge Vanessa Baraitser, who had opposed the handing over to the American authorities of the 50-year-old Australian, citing the risk of suicide of the whistleblower, there is almost a year. They believe that the United States has provided assurances on the treatment which would be reserved to him, thus answering the concerns of the judge.

Julian Assange’s companion, Stella Moris, immediately denounced a “serious miscarriage of justice”, in a press release sent by WikiLeaks. The whistleblower faces up to 175 years in prison. The United States accuses Julian Assange of having disseminated, as of 2010, more than 700,000 classified documents on American military and diplomatic activities, in particular in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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