British justice rules in favor of a fishing accident




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While the families of the fishermen victims in the sinking of the Bugaled Breizh have been waiting for answers for years, the British justice has accepted the thesis of the fishing accident, Friday, November 5.

Thierry Lemetayer is the son of one of the victims of the sinking of the Bugaled Breizh. The disappointment is immense for him, whereas the tragedy took place more than 17 years ago, in January 2004. On leaving the court of justice of London (United Kingdom), the Frenchman learned that it would not be not a British submarine that caused the sinking, as he had thought for years. For the British judge in charge of the case, it is a simple fishing accident. “We attended a ball of officers and braided heads, and these people support each other”, explains Georges Lemetayer’s son.

Also according to the judge in this case, who heard various people during three weeks of hearing, it would be equipment of the boat that would have touched the seabed, causing the sinking. For the relatives of the victims, the Bugaled Breizh was swept away by a British submarine training in the area. Three submersibles were in the area, but these are not the ones targeted by the families. This is the “Turbulent”, a Royal Navy submarine. Its captain had assured that the submarine was docked at the time of the accident. With this conclusion from the British justice system, only an appeal could reopen the investigation.


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