British Columbia: isolation period shortened to 5 days for vaccinated people

Fully vaccinated British Columbians can now reduce their isolation to five days after catching COVID-19, the government said on Friday.

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Previously, those who had at least two doses for more than 14 days had to self-isolate for at least a week.

“We have come to a consensus that with the milder disease that we are currently seeing in most people, we can make a change to reduce the time period that people have to be isolated if they are sick,” said the director of public health, Dr Bonnie Henry.

No change, however, on the side of unvaccinated residents who are still required to self-isolate for at least ten days from the onset of symptoms or obtaining a positive result in a screening test.

People should only leave their homes after five days if their symptoms have “resolved or have largely improved,” said Dr Henry.

“What we’re seeing with Omicron is that a shorter incubation period means people are contagious sooner, one to two days before their symptoms start, and their disease also tends to be contagious. be resolved more quickly, ”she explained.

Earlier this week, the U.S. Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) also shortened the isolation period to five days for Americans who have tested positive for COVID-19 if they are asymptomatic. .

The Public Health Agency of Canada reacted on Wednesday by declaring that the federal recommendation would remain at 10 days from the onset of symptoms.

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