“Bringing the economy to its knees is actually bringing the workers to their knees,” says Olivier Dussopt



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The Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, was the guest of 8.30 de franceinfo this Monday, March 6. The Minister denounced the expression “bringing the French economy to its knees” used by the CGT Chimie.

“Bringing the economy to its knees is actually bringing workers to their knees”estimated this Monday, March 6 on franceinfo the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt, while the secretary general of the CGT federation of Chemistry, Emmanuel Lépine, said this weekend ready to “bring the French economy to its knees” from Tuesday March 7 to win the pension reform.

>> VIDEO. Strike of March 7 against the pension reform: “we are here to last” warns the CGT railwaymen

“In a country like ours, disagreements can be expressed and social mobilization is legitimate, whatever you think”said the Minister, adding however that“there are expressions that are not understandable”. According to him, “to bring the economy to its knees is to bring those who need a job to its knees, it is to bring those who are already in difficulty into even greater difficulty”.

“We are all convinced, in the government, that the expression of a disagreement should not lead to a blockage of the country which would be dangerous for our economy”he continued, saying that the mobilization to come from this Tuesday “does not change the necessary nature of the reform” neither “the will of the government to improve it”.

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